Tuesday, November 15, 2011


You guys. How is it already halfway through November? O_O It's a time warp, I tell you. Or a blue police box.

As I've started NaNoWriMo week 3, I have passed 40,000 words for the month and accomplished one of my goals: I've finished one of the three incomplete novels I had going before November. *throws confetti* One down, two to go. (And one of the two remaining is co-written, so it's shared work.)

What have you been up to during the first half of November? If you're doing NaNo, how's that going for you? If you're not doing NaNo, what have you been doing?

I still can't believe it's almost December.


  1. Way to go Laura! Not doing NaNo, but really proud of all that are. :)

  2. Ha! I'm a DW geek. Love it! You're doing fantastically on your word count. Keep going! I hit 37000 tonight.

  3. Of COURSE! That's explains it! Now, which companion lost us half of November? Or was it the Doctor himself, blaming it on a companion as usual?

    This all reminds me that I need to get back to watching Doctor Who. I know too much about it for someone who hasn't yet seen a complete season!

    I'm nowhere close to my November goals. But YOU are doing awesome and are an inspiration to the rest of us. Go you!

  4. So THAT'S what happened to November. ;)

    Congrats on your amazing progress with NaNo!

  5. Congratulations on your NaNo progress! That is amazing!!

  6. I know, right? I've been doing so well, and now I've got a crazy week this week and a long trip to Wyoming for a funeral. I'm so going to have to play serious catch up. At least I have 33500 words.

  7. hello there,
    Nice to "meet" you. It's taken me a while to get here from the PIF blog hop as there are so many on the list, Phew. x

  8. I decided to do a "mini-NaNo" (500 words a day) and am failing dismally! I have managed to edit quite a lot though, and have got through a lot of school marking!
    Well done on your 40 000 words so far!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!