Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm Still Here

Can I just say: moving takes a lot out of a person. I've been moved for two weeks now and my brain feels like a giant puddle of mush. It seems like it's only been a couple of days and then I'm all "AHH! My blog is so neglected! I'll post something soon!" and then I'm all mushified. (Why, yes, mushified is a word. *adds it to dictionary*)

Then yesterday I got hit with some virus or something. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton and I'm achy and my voice is all funky. Basically, if i hadn't already felt like a giant puddle of mush, this would have made me feel that way anyway. Huzzah. ;)

I have been doing a ton of editing. And rewriting. And more editing. And some plotting. And did I mention editing? I've been working on two different novels--the one that I said I was going to self-publish has been passed off to my final editors and as soon as I can decide on how to approach the cover, my wonderfully amazing artist friend is going to work on the cover art. My goal it to have this sucker published by the end of July or sometime in August. It's kind of hard to think right now. O_o  I've also been working on rewriting/tweaking one of my other novels so I can start writing the sequel in July.

In July, I plan to be writing like crazy. My goal is to get half of my next book written. I have several writer friends who are joining in with their individual goals--some writing books, some doing rewrites or whatever else they've been wanting to do. I find it incredibly helpful to have people working on goals side-by-side with me--it gives me a good push and holds me to my goals and allows me to encourage others to stick to their goals.

Do any of you have writing plans for this summer? What are you working on right now?

I have a list of writing topics I want to discuss on my blog, and I am going to do my best to get one written and posted within the next few days. I'll be back soon. :D



  1. I'm feverishly working on a rewrite to submit to my critique group on July 1st. And then I'm taking a couple of weeks off from writing just to read. I've been neglecting my recreational reading, and I'm starting to go through withdrawal. My to read list is up to 40 books now I think. *sigh*

    Hope you feel better soon. Love the idea of having others work on projects and encourage each other.

  2. Hang in there...I KNOW THE FEELING!!! Just this past week do I feel like my life is finally settling down, but rather than be anxious to blog, I've been wanting to get back to my story! My blog is so neglected!...and I haven't had time to read others' posts. :(

    I LOVE your writing goal for next month. It is so encouraging knowing others are trudging along. My goal is to finish this last round of edits in the next week or two, and start book 2!

    ps can't wait to read yours :)

  3. I'm working on book 2 and hoping to have Draft #1 done by the end of July. Here's to hoping we meet our goals! :)

  4. Donna-Ooh, good luck finishing up the rewrite, and enjoy your reading. I had to take a reading hiatus for about a month this year because I was so worn out.

    Barbara-I totally understand! And it IS so encouraging to have others working with you. Good luck on finishing up your book and starting book 2!

    NiaRaie-How exciting! Good luck with your first draft!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!